Upcoming Public Meetings 2025
Sunday, April 13th Aboyne Hall, WCMA - Doors open 1:00pm Speaker at 1:30pm. Pursuing Play:Women’s Leisure in Small-town Ontario 1870-1914 presented by Author Rebecca Beausaert. University of Guelph Professor, Rebecca Beausaerts’ new book explores small town life in the towns of Dresden, Tillsonburg and Elora and the role women played in creating leisure activities. Ms. Beausaerts presentation promises a glimpse into the fascinating lives of some women in small town Ontario at the turn of the last century.
Sunday, May 4th Aboyne Hall, WCMA - Doors open 1:00pm Speaker at 1:30om. Dale Hamilton performs her one women show - She Won’t Come In From the Fields. Eden Mills resident Dale Hamilton has been touring her latest play across Canada. Created for her Masters in Environmental Studies dissertation, this play promises to inspire conversations and awareness on how regenerative agriculture growing practices can impact food security and create climate solutions.
Monday, June 23rd Aboyne Hall, WCMA - Annual General Meeting Doors open at 6:30pm for pickup of the annual Journal. Meeting and speaker at 7:00pm. Past Museum Director, Ken Seiling - 50+ Years and Growing, on the founding and development of the Wellington County Museum and Archives.
Sunday, September 28th - Walking Tour - Palmerston. Details to be announced later.
Sunday, October 19th - From Venue to Museum - History of the Palmerston Museum. Speaker Rob McEachern. 1:30 pm Aboyne Hall, WCMA
Sunday, November 9th - The Soldiers Project. Speaker Erin Doupe, history teacher, Erin District High School. 1:30 pm Aboyne Hall, WCMA
Apart from the AGM our public meetings are usually held on Sunday afternoons at the Wellington County Museum & Archives (WCMA). Walking tours meet at the starting point of the walk. There is no charge to attend meetings and the public is always welcome at our events.